
Showing posts from July, 2021

Dharma and healing - reflections from a Chinese medicine doctor - Clear Sky Meditation Centre

 As a practitioner of Chinese medicine, I talk to people about their aches and pains, their injuries, their digestion. We talk about their anxiety, insomnia, hot flashes or allergies, and I try to help. And yes, the medicine does help with these things. The deeper question is, what does each of us really seek in terms of healing? What is the deepest longing in one’s own being? Is it to get rid of your hot flashes and knee pain, or are you looking for something else? Read more @  

Four Ways to Revitalize your Meditation Practice - Clear Sky Meditation Centre

 Take a moment to think about the previous two sentences. How do these two ideas work together? Take meditation, for example – how do you find a balance between having a steady meditation routine and not letting your spiritual practice stagnate? Other than finding a teacher, which we highly recommend, here are four suggestions to bring more joy, energy, and spontaneity into your meditation practice. Read more @  

What does it mean to be in a good state, anyway? The Seven Factors of Awakening - Clear Sky Meditation Centre

 It’s now early April, 2020, and it’s likely that you’re staying home most of the time, unless you’re choosing or obliged to be working. Despite our differing circumstances, or risk to our health or finances, we’re surely all “in this together” more than at any other time in recent history. Yet, we are all experiencing it differently, just as they say everyone grieves in their own way. What’s more, in every moment our reactions and behaviors are based on our conditioning and circumstances. Isn’t it fascinating? Read more @  

How I Stopped Being an Anxious Person (and started living) - Clear Sky Meditation Centre

 My default state used to be anxiety, with some fear thrown in for good measure. I don’t know why. For whatever reason, I’m just prone to feeling anxious without any apparent cause. Over the last 20 years, though, my anxiety lessened as I learned and then practiced meditation. My first experience was a mindfulness meditation workshop. Perhap you can imagine that after living with the suffering of anxiety and fear throughout my life, it was like spotting an island oasis in the stormy seas of life. Read more @  

Finding Connection in Aloneness - Clear Sky Meditation Centre

 My closest friends know me as dramatic and stressed out. In fact, I’m part of a growing global statistic of people who struggle with depression, anxiety, and–my least favourite–loneliness. I have tried to combat this over the years, by surrounding myself with exciting people, and practicing vulnerability. I’ve tried to make myself a productive member of society. Isn’t this what most of us have been told to do for a successful and fulfilling life? Read more @  

Learning To Meditate Off The Cushion - Clear Sky Meditation Centre

 It’s amazing when you enter a clear and radiant state on the meditation cushion. But can you keep it as you put the cushion away? How about during difficult times? In 2019, I participated in Clear Sky’s Karma Yoga program (Three-Month Intensive). During the program, Teachers Doug and Catherine Sensei explained one good measure of how well your meditation practice is going: how well you can experience non-clinging awareness while doing a seemingly insignificant task. To read more visit online @

Challenging My View of Asperger's Through Dharma - Clear Sky Meditation Centre

 Since I was little, I had this sense that I was different, but couldn’t put my finger on what it was. I did well in school and mostly got along with other kids. For sure, some kids sensed that I was a bit “unusual” in my social interactions and it was difficult fitting in and playing with others. Read more @  

Three Ways to Keep Your Meditation Practice Going - Clear Sky Meditation Centre

 When I first started meditating, it felt great. I’d had a little instruction and I started sitting at home, alone, every morning. With that, I was leaving for work every day with a state of calm and bliss, and my days were simply going much better. The fact was, I knew my initial enthusiasm would start to subside. Then I’d stop and regret it, something I’d done over and over, with many interests. Read more @  

How to fit hours of meditation into your working day - Clear Sky Meditation Centre

 The spiritual teachings and meditation entered my life in a life-changing way while I was living in Japan. Yet, after just a few months, I found I was using most of my energy for work and commuting. I was struggling to find time to sit in meditation. Often, I had to start work across Tokyo at 7:30 or 8 am. On those days, I was skipping my morning meditation then feeling too tired to sit at night. Read more @

Attached to Suffering - Following The Script for the Modern Happy Life

 From the time I was a young boy I struggled with the big questions in life. What happens when we die? Is there a God? What is the right way to live? These questions filtered through all of my thoughts and actions. When I talked about my thoughts and worries, though, I discovered that my friends didn’t seem to think about these questions at all. Read more @  

Why Anxiety is Worth Getting Excited About - Clear Sky Center

  Do you ever feel anxious? I do, quite often. But it’s turning into a lot of fun. I’ve realised my baseline anxiety is actually a reservoir, an asset for a really exciting life. I’m learning to transform anxiety into excitement, into desire to really live each moment. And you could too. How so? Read more @  

Tips for When You’re Starting a Meditation Practice- Clear Sky Center

 If you’re looking for online guided meditations, we’re beginning a library of resources. Simple join our list to get access. Free guided meditations can be a great way to start practicing. A regular practice – such as up to six days a week at a regular time if possible – gives you a solid grounding. Meditation promotes calm, reduces stress and anxiety, and gives you the space you need to keep things in perspective.  You might not see your meditation as leading you to a spiritual awakening – but who knows? Guided meditations are a good way to begin and we’d love to have you join some of our classes or retreats sometime soon. Read more @

What are the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism? - A simple explanation

 What did Buddha teach? Well, the Four Noble Truths express the essential insights at the heart of Buddha Dharma – the freedom from struggle – as taught by the Buddha in his first teaching. This first teaching comes from the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, which means the Turning of the Wheel of Truth. Read more about Four Noble Truths of Buddhism @  

Mindfulness Meditation Classes Near You – Clear Sky Center

 Our sangha members run regular meditation and dharma classes and also host our founding teachers in urban and residential retreats. If you’re interested in what we offer, meeting our community members is an ideal way to make contact. Find out more @