
Showing posts from May, 2022

3 Ways To keep Your Meditation Practice Going

  When I first started meditating, it felt great. I’d had a little instruction and I started sitting at home, alone, every morning. With that, I was leaving for work every day with a state of calm and bliss, and my days were simply going much better. The fact was, I knew my initial enthusiasm for a regular meditatoin practice would start to subside. Then I’d stop and regret it, something I’d done over and over, with many interests. Are you starting up a meditation practice or struggling to keep one going, here are three things that just might help:

What is it Like To Be Alone in a Cabin Retreat?

  When I told my coworkers that I was going to do a three-week solo retreat in silence , in one of the beautiful retreat cabins at Clear Sky Meditation Center where I live, one of the first questions people asked was, “How can you stand to be alone and silent for that long? I think I’d go crazy!” It’s a fair question. In our hectic modern world we rarely have a chance to be really alone. We have not been trained to spend time with ourselves. Even when we are physically by ourselves, most of us are still staying connected to the world through social media, our cellphones, or what have you. So the idea of being alone, in silence, in a little cabin in the woods, can seem at best weird, and at worst terrifying. To know more about my cabin retreat experience, visit:

Tarot and Western Archetypes Retreat

  The Tarot claims unique status as part of the Western Mystery tradition. It offers a powerful and concise path of liberation that draws on our own life experiences as Westerners and our native intelligence to help unfold deeper wisdom and understanding of our mystical life. In this two-week-long retreat, participants learn to use the 22 cards of the major arcana of the Tarot deck as a resource for reflection, visualization and self-discovery. An online option is available for those who cannot travel to BC, Canada for this retreat. For further queries call on 1-250-429-3929 or visit:

Breathing Meditation Retreat – Bookings Open Now

  Breathing meditation is suitable for all types of people. It develops concentration, calm, bliss and insight – altogether leading to awakening and healing. This simple yet powerful framework will extend your meditation experience to everything from subatomic particles to the vastness of space, and all that’s between. An online option is also available, with participation possible from anywhere in the world. For further queries, call on 1-250-429-3929 or visit:

Concentration vs Awareness – Know The Actual Difference

  Concentration and awareness tend to lead us to better states. Awareness and concentration are key to mindfulness and meditation. So what’s the difference between awareness and concentration, and can you have too much of one over the other? Know here the difference between both:

Private Cabin Retreat Near You

  If you are looking for space and solitude in a beautiful natural setting for your personal transformation and wellness, then a Private Cabin Retreat may be right for you.  Whether this is your first retreat or one of many, we can help you create a retreat that supports your unfoldment. For further queries call on 1-250-429-3929 or visit:

How I Cured My Insomnia

  I was no stranger to insomnia. Family lore says that even as a baby, I couldn’t sleep. In highschool I would lay awake the entire night without even a nap. And by my twenties, my sleep was curated by a combination of pills that helped me fall asleep and pills that helped me stay asleep. And when that didn’t work, there was always the failsafe cocktail: Nyquil and Jägermeister. It was at the end of a meditation retreat and I was exhausted. Not because of the retreat but because, once again, I hadn’t slept the entire time. Know here the complete story how I cured insomnia my Insomnia and what techniques helped me to do so:

What I Never Asked My Dad – And why It Matters Now

  My dad didn’t like his head being touched. It only came up once, that I remember. He was reading in an armchair when my brother, ten years younger than I, did something boyish, like running up and tousling his hair. Dad lurched away and protected his head, snapping, “Don’t touch my head! … I don’t like people touching my head…” This was probably the biggest reaction I saw him have, to anything, because his emotions and reactions were always locked down pretty well. Know here what was reason behind this kind of reaction and what was the full story:

How To Be Kind To Yourself

  Let’s face it, sometimes we makes mistakes. This can lead to feeling like we’ve let ourselves or others down. How we handle our mistakes is what’s important. Do you get defensive, angry or berate yourself for your mistakes, or do you use it as an opportunity to practice kindness to yourself? Here is your complete guide on how to be kind to yourself:

How to Shift Loneliness by Learning to Say Yes to New Experiences

  I’m part of an  amazing spiritual community  and I work with great people and yet, like many of us, I’m prone to this modern dis-ease, loneliness. The thing is, I recently moved to a new town where I was starting from scratch. Staying busy kept the loneliness bug at bay, for sure. When I wasn’t engaged in some project or other, however, my peace of mind deteriorated and in the end I had to admit that keeping loneliness at a distance just doesn’t work. Luckily, over the years I’ve learned some tools that helped me explore what was going on. Here, I share some insights that I hope will help others dealing with loneliness: