Learning To Meditate Off The Cushion


It’s amazing when you enter a clear and radiant state on the meditation cushion. But can you keep it as you put the cushion away? How about during difficult times?

In 2019, I participated in Clear Sky’s Karma Yoga program (Three-Month Intensive). During the program, the founding teachers Qapel and Sensei explained one good measure of how well your meditation practice is going: how well you can experience non-clinging awareness while doing a seemingly insignificant task.

If we are training to sit and focus on the breath, then surely doing it while cleaning a sink should be easy.

But it isn’t.

Because as soon as we are not “meditating” anymore, we allow our ego to take over again.

Three Month Intensive Program brings spiritual awakening into the modern context – by integrating meditation, psychology, environment, career, and community.


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