Attached to Suffering - Following The Script for the Modern Happy Life


If you find that you’re also struggling with deeper questions that modern society doesn’t answer, if you’re trying to live out the script of the standard western life while feeling more depressed, disconnected and dissatisfied, perhaps you can ask yourself,

“How attached am I to my suffering?

Do I believe the script I’m following?”


I’d been willing to continue to suffer because I believed it was my part in the script, my lot in life. I was attached to my suffering.

Once I saw how this belief kept me trapped I felt free to make a different choice. I could take on a new role, become part of a different play.

I chose to get off the pot. A few months later, with my marriage ending, I asked to move to Clear Sky to further my awakening and dive fully into spiritual life. Since then, my life has changed in ways both subtle and profound. Doug Sensei and Cata Sensei are both my teachers, and together they have helped me to continue and deepen my spiritual practice and unfoldment.

Read here my full story:


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