Why I started meditating: Richard - Clear Sky Meditation Centre

 Currently on the Karma Yoga program at Clear Sky, Richard shares a little about how he ended up on the meditative path, from learning about Buddhism to embracing multiple practice techniques.

Without meditating, you are much less objective about your life, which opens you up to some unnecessary suffering.

If you don’t meditate or do challenges [conscious exercises to step out of your box], you are more likely to run on habit, and when life throws a curveball at you or you go through a difficult experience, you will experience more suffering.

The first noble truth is that life is suffering. I do not believe that life only has suffering, but life has more suffering than most people realize, and meditation is a way to realize and overcome that suffering. To Read more visit online @ https://www.clearskycenter.org/why-i-started-meditating-richardn/



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